02 139 7974: Who Called Me?

Owned by:
B A Electrical Ltd
Auckland City
Physical address:
Auckland City

Rate this phone number:

Company information

Official owner name:
Registration date:
2009-09-20 (14 years, 10 months, 6 days ago)
Company type:
NZ Limited Company (LTD)
Managers (2):
Blake Aspinall (15 Dove Place Pyes Pa Tauranga NZ)
Leah Aspinall (15 Dove Place Pyes Pa Tauranga NZ)

Phone number 021397974 information

Service provider:
Number type:
Last searched:
2024-07-20 19:44:05
Total searches:

This phone number is available in various formats, including:

  • International: +64 2 139 7974 , +64 (2) 139 7974 or +64 2-139-7974
  • Local: 02 139 7974, (02) 139 7974
  • Other possible formats: 021397974, +6421397974

These formats represent the same New Zealand phone number but provide flexibility in how the number is displayed and dialed. Whether you are calling locally or from abroad, you can use any of these formats to reach the same phone number.

B A Electrical Ltd reviews there are no reviews yet
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